I am looking for any algorithm for lossy compression of GPS track waypoints with coordinates in EPSG:4326 CRS
(this usual degrees like (75.223423,-10.123123))
For short, after wiping out meta information and simplification with Ramer–Douglas–Peucker algorithm, I have an ordered sequence of waypoint coordinates, each waypoint takes 16 bytes (2 x 8-byte double
Using the knowledge that waypoints are ordered, and the distance between waypoints in most cases is less than 0.01° (~1 km at equator), I made an assumption, that there may be some kind of lossy compression algorithm for such sequences.
Could you help me find it out, please.
UPD: According to real tracks (~800 analyzed), the distance in degrees between points is shown below. P95 is 95th percentile of all distances.
avg: 0,000334560520818109
p95: 0,001239999999999240 # ~138 meters
max: 0,307273900000000000
avg: 0,000221987685948093
p95: 0,000839999999996621
max: 0,309625799999999000
I found an existing solution: There is TinyWKB
or Tiny Well-known Binary
data format suits my needs.
support for my current needs).TinyWKB is developed from WKT -> WKB -> TWKB
to store geometry primitives (Points, LineStrings, Polygons, MultiPoints, MultiLineStrings, MultiPolygons, GeometryCollections)