Search code examples

Algolia React default value and operation problem

I'm using Algolia for autocomplete inside my React app. But I encountered a few problems during development:

  1. The autocomplete already has standard hits if I don't type anything in, how can I turn it off?
  2. How can I minimize the operations because now 1 character cost 1 operation, maybe with a type delay?

I'm using the algoliasearch/lite and react-instantsearch-dompackage.


    1. From the example code in documentation you can check ther the search box is empty or not. Then render the hits only if currentRefinement is not empty:
    import { connectAutoComplete } from 'react-instantsearch-dom';
    const Autocomplete = ({ hits, currentRefinement, refine }) => (
            onChange={event => refine(event.currentTarget.value)}
        //Render only if currentRefinement not empty
        {currentRefinement && (
   => (
              <li key={hit.objectID}>{}</li>
    const CustomAutocomplete = connectAutoComplete(Autocomplete);
    1. Debouncing can achived by using SearchBox example code the documentation