Title. This same/similar error seems to occur with any command in bash if I:
cd ~
. It doesnt occur in other places.Examples:
me@mypc:~$ ls *
ls: unrecognized option '--list-sessions'
Try 'ls --help' for more information.
me@mypc:~$ ls
(prints all directories)
me@mypc:~$ ls ./*
(prints all subdirectory subdirectories)
me@mypc:~$ ls .*
argv.json extensions
dosdevices drive_c system.reg userdef.reg user.reg
(prints all subdirectories with their contents)
me@mypc:~$ du -sch *
du: unrecognized option '--list-sessions'
Try 'du --help' for more information.
me@mypc:~$ du -sch .*
du: cannot read directory './.dbus': Permission denied
du: cannot read directory './.pgadmin': Permission denied
66G .
du: cannot read directory '../postgres/.gnupg': Permission denied
64K ..
66G total
me@mypc:~$ grep "\-\-list-sessions" *
grep: unrecognized option '--list-sessions'
Usage: grep [OPTION]... PATTERN [FILE]...
Try 'grep --help' for more information.
And so on. The list-sessions flag seems reminiscent of this tmux command:
me@mypc:~$ tmux list-sessions
error connecting to /tmp/tmux-1000/default (No such file or directory)
me@mypc:~$ whereis tmux
tmux: /usr/bin/tmux /usr/share/man/man1/tmux.1.gz
The list-sessions error in other commands persists with and without running tmux server. Thanks for your help!
I'm guessing you have a file in your home directory named --list-sessions
and the *
, when expanded, is causing your command (eg, ls
, du
) to treat the file name as an option:
Consider ...
$ mkdir /tmp/ttt
$ cd /tmp/ttt
$ touch -- '--list-sessions'
$ ls -a
--list-sessions ./ ../
$ ls *
dir: unknown option -- list-sessions
Try 'dir --help' for more information.
$ ls -- * # disable further command line option processing
$ du -k *
du: unknown option -- list-sessions
Try 'du --help' for more information.
$ du -k -- * # disable further command line option processing
0 --list-sessions
NOTE: The --
used in the above commands disables further command line option processing, eg, What does double dash mean?