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How to remove the specific element in an array of objects in mongoose using nodejs?

I have to update an element in array so I am pulling the value first and then pushing it with new data. I am trying this code and I am getting error in pull and push syntax.

  User.findOneAndUpdate({}, {$pull: {Addtasks.status : {commonID:req.query.commonIDs}}},
    function (error, success) {
          if (error) {
          } else {
            User.findOneAndUpdate({}, {$push: {Addtasks.status: req.query.selectedValue}},
            function (error, success) {
                  if (error) {
                    console.log("Something wrong when updating data!");
                  } else {

Below is the Mongoose schema structure. I want to pull only the element 'status' in Addtasks array and push it with new one.

    "_id" : ObjectId("5f4217154a5a411a9473d64b"),
    "email" : "[email protected]",
    "name" : "Charlotte Miles",
    "Addtasks" : [ 
            "commonID" : "66k4xorn77x",
            "status" : "Requirement Completed",
            "Date" : "Sun Aug 23 2020 12:43:57 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time)",
            "exampleRadios" : "option1",
            "otherdetails" : "bnbn",
            "website" : "",
            "keywords" : "anxiety disorders for children, anxiety disorders for adults",
            "words" : 12345,
            "topic" : "How article is generated?",
            "_id" : ObjectId("5f4217354a5a411a9473d64d")
            "commonID" : "offo357aak",
            "status" : "Requirement Completed",
            "Date" : "Sun Aug 23 2020 12:44:20 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time)",
            "exampleRadios" : "option1",
            "otherdetails" : "trhr",
            "website" : "",
            "keywords" : "Kali from Kaliyug, Kaliki Vishnu Avatar, Vishnu's 10th Avatar",
            "words" : 5678,
            "topic" : "When the Kaliyug era will end ?",
            "_id" : ObjectId("5f42174c4a5a411a9473d651")
    "__v" : 0


  • I think you can simplify to one query using $set with the positional operator:

                          { $set: { "Addtasks.$" : req.query.selectedValue } })

    This would update the first matching array element. If you want to update all elements use this operator:

                          { $set: { "Addtasks.$[]" : req.query.selectedValue } })