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Is it possible to use a typeclass to implement a trait?

I have a situation where I'd like to implement a given trait (CanBeString in the example below). I would like to have the option either to implement that trait using a newly created case class (NewImplementation in the example below), or to implement it by adding functionality to some pre-existing type (just Int in the example below), by using a type class. This is probably best illustrated by the below:

package example

// typeclass
trait ConvertsToString[A] {
  def asString(value: A): String

// the trait I would like the typeclass to implement
trait CanBeString {
  def asString: String

// this implementation approach taken from the scala with cats book
object ConvertsToStringInstances {
  implicit val intConvertsToString: ConvertsToString[Int] = 
    new ConvertsToString[Int] {
      def asString(value: Int): String = s"${value}"

object ConvertsToStringSyntax {
  implicit class ConvertsToStringOps[A](value: A) {
    def asString(implicit c: ConvertsToString[A]): String = c.asString(value)

object Test {
  import ConvertsToStringInstances._
  import ConvertsToStringSyntax._

  def testAsFunc(c: CanBeString): String = c.asString

  case class NewImplementation (f: Double) extends CanBeString {
    def asString = s"{f}"

  println(testAsFunc(NewImplementation(1.002))) // this works fine!
  println(testAsFunc(1)) // this sadly does not.

Is anything like this possible? I'm only recently discovering the topic of typeclasses so I'm aware that what I'm asking for here may be possible but just unwise - if so please chime in and let me know what a better idiom might be.

Thanks in advance, and also afterwards!


  • For example you can have two overloaded versions of testAsFunc (OOP-style and typeclass-style)

    object Test {
      def testAsFunc(c: CanBeString): String = c.asString
      def testAsFunc[C: ConvertsToString](c: C): String = c.asString
      println(testAsFunc(NewImplementation(1.002))) // {f}
      println(testAsFunc(1)) // 1

    Or if you prefer to have the only testAsFunc then you can add instances of the type class for subtypes of the trait to be implemented

    object ConvertsToStringInstances {
      implicit val intConvertsToString: ConvertsToString[Int] = ...
      implicit def canBeStringSubtypeConvertsToString[A <: CanBeString]: ConvertsToString[A] =
        new ConvertsToString[A] {
          override def asString(value: A): String = value.asString
    object Test {
      def testAsFunc[C: ConvertsToString](c: C): String = c.asString
      println(testAsFunc(NewImplementation(1.002))) // {f}
      println(testAsFunc(1)) // 1

    Please notice that if for a c there are both OOP-ish c.asString and extension-method c.asString then only the first is actually called.