Search code examples

Set Selected value after php foreach

Currently I fill a select box with the following code:

<select name="klas_jaar" value="{jaar_id}">
    <?php foreach ($jaren as $jaar):?>
        <option value="<?=$jaar->jaar_id?>"><?=$jaar->schooljaar?></option>
    <?php endforeach;?>

The value set is the same id as a option's value.. however it doesn't put the requested value as selected when going to this page.

What am I doing wrong?


  • select tags don't have a value attribute. Instead, you have to drop a selected attribute in the appropriate option.

    <select name="klas_jaar">
        <?php foreach ($jaren as $jaar):?>
            <option value="<?=$jaar->jaar_id?>"<? if($jaar->jaar_id == $selected_jaar_id) echo " selected"?>><?=$jaar->schooljaar?></option>
        <?php endforeach;?>