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correct way to call GraphQL mutation from react using hooks

I have defined the following mutation and inputtype:

extend type Mutation {

    signup(input: SignupReq!): SignupStatus!


input SignupReq {
    email: String!
    password: String!

using graphql playground:

mutation signup{signup(input:{password:"blabla", email: ""}){success, message}}

it returns:

  "data": {
    "signup": {
      "success": true,
      "message": "Success!"

which is what I expect.

but how do I call this mutation from my React client?

what I have now is:

const SIGNUP_MUTATION = gql`
  mutation SignupUser($input: SignupReq!) {
    signup(signupReq: $input) {success, message, token}

  const [email, setEmail] = useState('')
  const [password, setPassword] = useState('')

const [signup, { data, loading, error }] = useMutation(SIGNUP_MUTATION)

const { data, loading, error } = await signup({ variables: { email, password } })

which is pretty much standard.

but I'm missing something I just cant pinpoint. Cause running the React script gives me the following error message:

'Field "signup" argument "input" of type "SignupReq!" is required, but it was not provided.',

How do I make the correct call to Graphql from react. I have been unable to find any documentation on how to use input types for mutations from React.

any help welcome.



  • You are passing in email and password as variables into your mutation:

    variables: { email, password }

    Instead, as you can see from your mutation, you have to pass in an input variable:

    variables: {
      input: {

    This will work, as it then mirrors the type used in your GraphQL schema:

    input SignupReq {
      email: String!
      password: String!