I am trying to parse text from a PDF file using Computer Vision 2.0. I am following the example and have changed the MediaTypeHeaderValue to "application/pdf". I get an error that the content type is not supported. I change it to "multipart/form-data" and get an error in processing. How do I use Computer-Vision to process PDF files?
Kevin, You are using the legacy "OCR" API that does not support PDF input. Please use the new OCR technology available as the "Read" API - see overview for processing PDF documents. The version 3.0 is in GA since May. Read supports large images and multi-page and mixed languages documents up to 2000 pages long. Please see the Read REST API QuickStart in C#.
Note that Form Recognizer is great if you want to extract not just text, but layout insights such as tables, check-boxes, and key value pairs from forms, use pre-built models, and build custom models to process your documents. It's now in GA.