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Akka and getting an ActorRef of a Singleton object

What is the (best) way to get an ActorRef for a Singleton Actor

This is the code I use:

   ActorRef instance = system.actorOf(Props.create(ContactServer.class, encoding, this));
    instance.tell(new AbstractMap.SimpleImmutableEntry<>(device, actionJson), ActorRef.noSender());

The problem I am having is that the Actor never closes, so I end up with a whole lot of actors:


However, while I could close the Actor with "getContext().stop(getSelf())", it seems to make more sense to use it as a Singleton as there are no states saved in the Actor. But how to I get a reference to this Actor without creating new ones all the time?


  • To get the reference of an existing actor, you may either:

    1. Look up an actor by concrete path, see
    2. Simply pass the ActorRef around after it is initialized in the actor system.

    In the system I'm currently working on, the 2nd approach works well because it is simple.