Let us assume there is highway
There are N potholes at points [p1, p2, p3...., pn]
There are equal number of service crew at points [s1, s2, s3...., sn]
One service crew can repair one pothole only
The cost to send a crew at point pX
to repair a pothole at point sX
is |pX-sX|
How would you find the minimum cost to repair the road?
Potholes are at [3, 5, 7]
Service Crew are stationed at [1, 3, 5]
Few possible combinations are:
1->3, 3->5, 5->7
(Cost = 6)
1->5, 3->7, 5->3
(Cost = 10)
Share/Explain the algorithm you'd use to solve this problem?
What is the time & space complexity of your algorithm?
In this example it should be 6, no matter what!
This is the problem of finding maximum matching in a fully connected bipartite graph.
If the problem has same number of potholes and crews, it's a perfect matching.
|P(i) - C(j)|
is minimum.