I create a textView with id ReceivedCodeTxt in activity_receive_code.xml
file and then i create a new kotlin file with name SMSReceiver.kt
... Now i want to set text for a textView in my SMSReceiver.kt
file but i dont know how to access it and change text from another class.
val bundle = intent!!.extras
try {
if (bundle != null) {
val pdusObj = bundle["pdus"] as Array<*>?
for (i in pdusObj!!.indices) {
val currentMessage = SmsMessage.createFromPdu(pdusObj[i] as ByteArray)
val phoneNumber = currentMessage.displayOriginatingAddress
val message = currentMessage.displayMessageBody
Log.i("SmsReceiver", "senderNum: $phoneNumber; message: $message")
// Show alert
val toast = Toast.makeText(context,"senderNum: $phoneNumber, message: $message",Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show()
} // end for loop
} // bundle is null
} catch (e: Exception) {
Log.e("SmsReceiver", "Exception smsReceiver$e")
You can do this by using interfaces
create an interface in your SMSReceiver.kt class
class SMSReceiver.kt(val callback:ICallback) {
interface ICallback{
fun updateUI(value:String)
fun doSomething() {
// your operations to perform some task. then call this
callback.updateUI(/*Pass your data which you want to set to your textview*/ "")
class ActivityReceive: SMSReciever.ICallback {
override fun updateUI(value:String) {
//set the data which you got from SMSReceiver class
textview.text = value