I have a dataframe which I would like to query. Note that the columns of that dataframe could change and the column names have spcaes. I have a function that I want to apply on the dataframe columns. I figured I could programmatically find out what columns exists and then use that list of columns to apply function to the columns that exist.
I was able to figure out how to do that when the column names don't have spaces: See the code below
col_names <- c("cyl","mpg","New_Var")
cc <- rlang::quos(col_names)
But when the column names have spaces, this method does not works, below is the code I used:
col_names <- c("cyl","mpg","`New Var`")
cc <- rlang::quos(col_names)
mtcars%>%mutate(`New Var`=1)%>%select(!!!cc)
Is there a way to select columns that have spaces in their name without changing their names ?
You have to do nothing differently for values with spaces. For example,
col_names <- c("cyl","mpg","New Var")
cc <- quos(col_names)
mtcars %>% mutate(`New Var`=1) %>% select(!!!cc)
Also note, that select
also accepts string names so this works too :
mtcars%>% mutate(`New Var`=1) %>% select(col_names)