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Paypal not charging the customer after the trail ends

I am making paypal subscription plans. I am facing two problems. First, Is there a way to make a plan without trial period? Second, Paypal is not charging customer after trial period ends.

 let body = {    
    "product_id": "PROD-81J67779NH423045A",  
    "name": obj.pname,  
    "description": obj.description,  
    "billing_cycles": [  
        "frequency": {  
            "interval_unit": "DAY",  
            "interval_count": 1  
        "tenure_type": "TRIAL",  
        "sequence": 1,  
        "total_cycles": 1
          "frequency": {  
            "interval_unit":  obj.duration,  
            "interval_count": 1  
          "tenure_type": "REGULAR",  
          "sequence": 2,  
          "total_cycles": 12,  
          "pricing_scheme": {  
            "fixed_price": {  
              "value": obj.price,  
              "currency_code": "USD"  
    "payment_preferences": {  
      "service_type": "PREPAID",  
      "auto_bill_outstanding": true,  
      "setup_fee": {  
        "value": obj.price,  
        "currency_code": "USD"  
      "setup_fee_failure_action": "CONTINUE",  
      "payment_failure_threshold": 3  
    "quantity_supported": true,  
    "taxes": {  
      "inclusive": false  


  • You can have a plan without a TRIAL period.

    Remove that whole block, and have the REGULAR one be sequence: 1.

    As for it 'not charging', you probably haven't waited enough 24 hour cycles for it to kick in. Subscriptions bill in a batch, and so it can take some portion of the day for the initial non-billing trial period to even start, and then a day for that to run.