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Airflow Backfill DAG runs stuck running with first task in queued (grey) state

I have tried viewing similar answers on stackoverflow to this problem, however my case is slightly different.

I am executing backfill jobs via Airflow CLI, and the backfilled dag runs get stuck in a running state, with the first task in the dag in a queued (grey) state.

The scheduler doesn't seem to ever kick off the first task.

I do not have depends_on_past=True set as dag_defaults

dag_defaults = {
    "start_date": - timedelta(days=2),
    "on_failure_callback": on_failure_callback,
    "provide_context": True

I am forced to Run every task manually. :( Rather than just letting the scheduler take its course and run them automatically.

Note: I am executing the backfill cli commands via Airflow worker pods on a K8S cluster.

Has anyone else faced a similar issue using the backfill cli commands?

UPDATE: I realised my backfill runs fall outside the total dag interval. I.e before the dag start_date causing a blocking schedule dependancy.

Task Instance Details

While you can still create the run, it will not run automatically, but you can manually run each task.

As a workaround would need to change the start_date to be before or on my oldest backfill date.

Would be nice if there was a way to override the backfill cmd or provide a --force option that could mock the start_date in for that specific dag_run, rather than being bound to the total interval.


  • UPDATE: I realised my backfill runs fall outside the total dag interval. I.e before the dag start_date causing a blocking schedule dependancy.

    While you can still create the run, it will not run automatically, but you can manually run each task.

    As a workaround would need to change the start_date to be before or on my oldest backfill date.

    Would be nice if there was a way to override the backfill cmd or provide a --force option that could mock the start_date in for that specific dag_run, rather than being bound to the total interval.