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Call stored procedure and register out parameter using JDBC Driver

We have written a stored procedure in Snowflake that inserts values in a table and returns a primary key. I'm trying to call this stored procedure using its JDBC driver.

final Connection connection = getJdbcTemplate().getDataSource().getConnection();
final CallableStatement callableStatement = connection.prepareCall("{call REWARD.sp_issue_reward(?, ?, ?)}");
callableStatement.setLong(1, reward.getClientSeq());
callableStatement.setLong(2, reward.getUserUniqueId());

callableStatement.registerOutParameter(3, Types.INTEGER); // throws SQLFeatureNotSupportedException


The connection.prepareCall returns an instance of SnowflakeCallableStatementV1.class. Problem is that this class has the following implementation for registering for output parameter:

   The Snowflake database does not accept OUT or INOUT parameters, so the registerOutParameter functions and the get
    functions (which get values of OUT parameters) will remain not implemented)
    public void registerOutParameter(int parameterIndex, int sqlType) throws SQLException {
        throw new SQLFeatureNotSupportedException();

A sample stored procedure definition that is in use:

create or replace procedure sp_issue_reward(CLIENT_SEQ float,
                             USER_SEQ float)
    returns float not null
    language javascript
    called on null input
        var REWARD_ID = 1;
        var insertStatement = snowflake.createStatement({
                                          sqlText: "INSERT INTO REWARD.REWARD_CPY ("
                                          + "reward_seq, "
                                          + "client_seq, "
                                          + "user_seq) "
                                          + "VALUES (?, ?, ?)",
                                          binds: [REWARD_ID, CLIENT_SEQ, USER_SEQ]

        return REWARD_ID;

How to get an output of a stored procedure using Snowflake JDBC driver?

Results are same with this stored procedure as well:

CREATE or replace PROCEDURE testSp()
  LANGUAGE javascript
  var rs = "Test"
  return rs;


  • The problem is here:


    When you're calling a stored procedure from JDBC, you're not executing an update. You're executing a query even though the SP is doing an update.

    The stored procedure will return one row with a single column for the result. You can retrieve it like this:

    Statement stmt = c.createStatement();
    ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("call TEST_JDBC()");
    while ( {

    You can of course get more sophisticated than this using prepared statements, but use executeQuery.