Currently, every time I change some property on a service (lets say,Hive), the Ambari UI will ask me to Restart the service and it's components. However, the same won't happen with custom services. Is there some tag that needs to be added to a given property to trigger this behavior? Is there a documentation somewhere about it?
I'm using Ambari with HDP-
@Evandro Teixeira
Inside of custom services should be a metainfo file with the following value:
Depending on the service, there can be other references between different components, including even the order of restarting. There are also some big stack configuration files (in the raw stack folder and/or in m-packs) that have similar functionality for behaviors in ambari. The documentation here is very limited so I recommend comparing your custom services with others. For example I learned a ton about Management Packs by reverse engineering NiFI Managementpack. I also learned a lot more doing same with Hortonworks created ELK Management Pack.
You can find most of my management pack and custom services work on my GitHub:
The ELK Management Pack (elasticsearch_mpack- is where I referenced the restartRequiredAfterChange.