My model expects two fields, and I validate my endpoint with that model:
config_model = api.model('Configuration', {
'cuvettes_count': fields.Integer,
'pipettes_count': fields.Integer
# later
class ConfigEndpoint(Resource):
@config_endpoint.expect(config_model, validate=True)
def put(self):
How do I:
Raise a validation error if a key besides the two specified is present
Currently, flask-restx doesn't allow it out of the box. The following PR should add the feature. You can try to adopt the PR to your code even now by creating a custom Model class with proposed changes.
Raise a validation error if neither of the keys are present, but only require one at a time
I guess the easiest way is to use jsonschema directly, i.e something like bellow
config_model = api.schema_model('Configuration', {
'type': 'object',
'properties': {
'cuvettes_count': {'type': 'integer'},
'pipettes_count': {'type': 'integer'}
'anyOf': [{'required': ['cuvettes_count']}, {'required': ['pipettes_count']}]
Unfortunately, this will work only for the validating of input data and do not work for marshaling responses.