Rewriting an old program that was done in vba in vb. I have a for loop that checks to make sure a dropdown selection doesn't match other ddl selections. I am getting 'Conversion from String to type 'Long' is not valid' on the two MessageBox.Show lines, I have tried moving the And and & all around and still get the error. The commented out part is what I had in vba. How should the syntax be?
Dim TCi(0 To 3) As String
TCi(1) = "Air Temperature"
TCi(2) = "Out Temperature(A)"
TCi(3) = "Inlet"
Dim TCj(0 To 3) As String
TCj(1) = "Air Temperature"
TCj(2) = "Out Temperature(A)"
TCj(3) = "Inlet"
SelectionFlagA = 0
SelectionFlagB = 0
TCSflag = 0
For i = 1 To 3
TCChannel = Me.Controls.Item("TCSDropDown" & i).Text
If TCChannel = "Channel_Not_Available" Then
ElseIf TCChannel = "Select Temp" Then
TCSflag = TCSflag + 1
'This code works
MessageBox.Show("You selected the same temp for both" & TCi(i) & " and " & TCj(j), "Conflicting Temp Selection!", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error)
Exit For
If InStr(1, TCChannel, "A") Then
SelectionFlagA = 1
End If
If InStr(1, TCChannel, "B") Then
SelectionFlagB = 1
End If
For j = 1 To 3
If TCi(i) <> TCj(j) Then
TCChannel1 = Me.Controls.Item("TCSDropDown" & j).Text
If TCChannel1 = "Channel_Not_Available" Then
If TCChannel = TCChannel1 Then
'This code works
MessageBox.Show("You selected the same temp for both " & TCi(i) And "" & TCj(j), vbCritical, "Conflicting Temp Selection!")
'VBA Line: MsgBox "You selected the same temp for both " & TCi(i) & " and " & TCj(j), vbCritical, "Conflicting Temp Selection!"
TCSflag = TCSflag + 1
Exit For
End If
End If
End If
If TCSflag >= 1 Then
Exit For
End If
End If
You should be able to use exactly what the VBA code has
MessageBox.Show("Please select a temp for" & " " & TCi(i), "Error")
That said, there is no real point in concatenating a space after ... a temp for
like that. Just add it after the for
in the actual string.
MessageBox.Show("Please select a temp for " & TCi(i), "Error")