Whenever I want to call my functions either with the button or with Enter, the page reloads even though I have set event.preventDefault ()
. How can I stop my page from reloading?
A part of my HTML:
<input id="vornameInput">
<button id="vornameButton">Submit</button>
A part of my Typescript:
let vornameInputfield: HTMLInputElement;
let vornameButton: HTMLButtonElement;
let personenListe: PersonenListe;
let ulListe: HTMLUListElement;
document.addEventListener('DOMContentloaded', function () {
vornameInputfield = <HTMLInputElement>document.getElementById('vornameInput');
vornameButton = <HTMLButtonElement>document.getElementById('vornameButton');
ulListe = <HTMLUListElement>document.getElementById('personenListe');
personenListe = new PersonenListe();
vornameButton.addEventListener('click', function (event: MouseEvent) {
let vorname: string = vornameInputfield.value;
if (vorname.trim().length !== 0) {
vornameInputfield.value = "";
const ENTER_KEY = 13
vornameInputfield.addEventListener('keyup', function (event: KeyboardEvent) {
if (event.keyCode === ENTER_KEY) {
let vorname: string = vornameInputfield.value;
if (vorname.trim().length !== 0) {
vornameInputfield.value = "";
That's because you're preventing the default events for click
and keyup
, but what you want to prevent is the default submit
event on the form.
Add an id to the form as you did for the input and button:
<form id="vornameForm">
<input id="vornameInput">
<button id="vornameButton">Submit</button>
Then, get it with the code and prevent the default submit event on the form:
let vornameForm: HTMLFormElement;
document.addEventListener('DOMContentloaded', function () {
vornameForm = <HTMLFormElement>document.getElementById('vornameForm');
vornameForm.addEventListener('submit', function(event: Event) {