I have the following data set:
octave:42> yy
yy =
1420174800.00000 21.70000 21.93000 21.64000 21.81000 1949882.00000
1420434000.00000 21.92000 22.23000 21.90900 22.17000 3189214.00000
1420520400.00000 22.15000 22.51000 22.08000 22.41000 4810496.00000
1420606800.00000 22.21000 22.27500 22.07000 22.11000 2397372.00000
1420693200.00000 21.93000 21.93600 21.70000 21.73000 2797149.00000
1420779600.00000 21.68000 21.98000 21.68000 21.90000 2377333.00000
1421038800.00000 21.88000 22.15000 21.87000 22.07000 2347871.00000
1421125200.00000 21.94000 22.30000 21.76500 22.15000 5255049.00000
1421211600.00000 22.40000 22.51900 22.24000 22.25000 5843980.00000
1421298000.00000 22.18000 22.48000 22.14000 22.47990 3498303.00000
If I plot it I get the following chart:
octave:44> plot(yy(:,1), yy(:,5))
Following the Octave documentation (https://octave.sourceforge.io/octave/function/datetick.html) I have tried the following to get the Years displayed instead of the UNIX Epoch seconds values.
octave:48> plot(yy(:,1), yy(:,5))
octave:49> datetick('x','YYYY')
But this is the result:
I would like to learn how to display the YEAR (YYYY) and the year and month (YY-MM). I am not sure if a Matlab solution could also fit in Octave.
Short version
plot( arrayfun( @(x) datenum([1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, x]), yy(:,1) ), yy(:,5) )
datetick( 'x', 'yyyy' )
The numbers you have are unix epochs (i.e. seconds since 1970-1-1 00:00:00 UTC). The reason you're getting weird numbers out of datetick is because it does not expect unix epochs as input, but "date numbers" (fractional number of days since 0000-1-0 00:00:00 UTC, whatever that means).
What you can do, is use your values to convert to datenums, via a datevec. E.g. your first value, i.e. 1420174800, can be converted to a datenum like so
datenum([1970,1,1,0,0,1420174800]) % i.e. the 1420174800th second of 1970-01-01
% ans = 7.3597e+05
datestr( datenum([1970,1,1,0,0,1420174800]), 0 )
% ans = 02-Jan-2015 05:00:00
Therefore, you could convert all your unix epochs to datenums, e.g. like so
DateNums = arrayfun( @(x) datenum([1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, x]), yy(:,1) )
And then plot using the DateNums instead, and use datetick as expected.
The above solution would work identically in octave and matlab.