I want to cut ;XXm m:;XXm from this lines:
Xmorg.camunda.bpm.engine.context ;XXm m:;XXm ENGINE-XXXXX Exception while
Xma.ExceptionLoggingFilter ;XXm m:;XXm Uncaught exception thrown
Xmb.ExceptionHandlerController;XXm m:;XXm handle exception
This cuts whole line:
cut -d" " -f2,3
The result I want is:
Xmorg.camunda.bpm.engine.context ENGINE-XXXXX Exception while
Xma.ExceptionLoggingFilter Uncaught exception thrown
Xmb.ExceptionHandlerController handle exception
Xmorg.camunda.bpm.engine.context ENGINE-XXXXX Exception while
Xma.ExceptionLoggingFilter Uncaught exception thrown
Xmb.ExceptionHandlerController handle exception
I want reverse result :), I want to cut ;XXm m:;XXm from this fil
cut --complement -d" " -f2,3
cut -d" " -f1,4-
Learn about regexes.
sed 's/;XXm m:;XXm//'