I need to create a backup copy of active Sheet - into a new workbook. So that the new workbook would be created with only Active Sheet in it (no macro, no vba)
I need it to be happening on "After Opening" my Worksheet event
Doing the following:
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
ActiveWorkbook.SaveCopyAs "E:\Projects\FolderName\FileName.xlsm"
End Sub
It copies the entire Workbook, with all the vba code and macro in it, not what I need.
Is there a way to only copy the Active Sheet?
Ideally, I would wanted to have cell reference (I store the file path in a different sheet, in a separated cell named "BackupPath").
Try the next code, please:
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Dim wb As Workbook, shC As Worksheet
Dim sh As Worksheet, i As Long, strBackup As String, arr As Variant
Set shC = ThisWorkbook.ActiveSheet 'this should be clear...
strBackup = Range(ThisWorkbook.Names("BackupPath")).Value 'extract the string from the named range
Set wb = Workbooks.Add 'open a new workbook
shC.Copy before:=wb.Worksheets(1) 'copy the active sheet before the existing one
If wb.Worksheets.Count > 1 Then
'delete all sheets, except the first
For i = wb.Worksheets.Count To 2 Step -1
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Next i
End If
arr = Split(strBackup, ".") 'split the path on the dot "."
'the last array element will be extension
arr(UBound(arr)) = "xlsx" 'change exiting extension with "xlsx"
strBackup = Join(arr, ".") 'join the processed array and obtain the correct path
wb.SaveAs strBackup, xlWorkbookDefault 'save the workbook
wb.Close False 'close it without saving
MsgBox "A backup has been done, like " & strBackup
End Sub