I want to create a nested object to send as request to api. Help is much appreciated.
Below is the nested built value class
abstract class BuiltUpdateProfileRequest
Built<BuiltUpdateProfileRequest, BuiltUpdateProfileRequestBuilder> {
// fields go here
String get firstName;
String get lastName;
String get phoneNumber;
ProfileBilling get billing;
factory BuiltUpdateProfileRequest(
[updates(BuiltUpdateProfileRequestBuilder b)]) =
static Serializer<BuiltUpdateProfileRequest> get serializer =>
abstract class ProfileBilling
implements Built<ProfileBilling, ProfileBillingBuilder> {
// fields go here
String get address1;
String get address2;
String get city;
String get state;
String get country;
String get zip;
factory ProfileBilling([updates(ProfileBillingBuilder b)]) = _$ProfileBilling;
static Serializer<ProfileBilling> get serializer =>
Below is request object but it throws error at billing under phone number stating a value of type profile billing cannot be assigned to a variable of type ProfileBillingBuilder.
final ProfileBilling profileBilling = ProfileBilling((b) => b
..address1 = ""
..address2 = ""
..city = ""
..state = ""
..country = ""
..zip = "");
final BuiltUpdateProfileRequest builtUpdateProfileRequest =
BuiltUpdateProfileRequest((b) => b
..firstName = firstName
..lastName = lastName
..phoneNumber = phoneNo
..billing = profileBilling);
You need to call the method toBuilder()
to create ProfileBillingBuilder variable;
final BuiltUpdateProfileRequest builtUpdateProfileRequest =
BuiltUpdateProfileRequest((b) => b
..firstName = firstName
..lastName = lastName
..phoneNumber = phoneNo
..billing = profileBilling.toBuilder());