I am training a neural network, while training I came across errors in a data preparation section. where this line:
img = np.double(scipy.misc.imresize(img, [height, width, channels], interp='bilinear', mode = 'RGB'))
and this line:
img2 = np.double(scipy.misc.imresize(img2, [height, width], interp='bilinear'))
showed errors, as scipy.misc.imresize is deprecated in newer versions of scipy. What I did is I used skimage.transform.resize instead of scipy.misc.imresize, that's what is recommended, as:
img = np.double(resize(img, (height, width, channels)))
img2 = np.double(resize(img2, (height, width)))
It worked. But the problem is the data reading process has become very slow as compared to the scipy.misc.imresize. I had tested it before on old version of scipy.misc.imresize. Any help in this regard would be very much appreciated. Thanks!
P.S. I am training the model on Google Colab.
You can just copy-paste the source of imresize: