Can someone provide some insight on why the SOUNDEX is giving different results when certain characters are capitalized vs lower case? From what I read online, SOUNDEX ignores case but I am getting different results and can't wrap my head around what would cause the differences. I can't mimic this example with are word like GUTTHRE
Query Result
select SOUNDEX('JESCHKE') J200 <-- 200
select SOUNDEX('Jeschke') J220
select SOUNDEX('jeschke') J220
select SOUNDEX('JESChKE') J220
select SOUNDEX('JESCHke') J200 <-- for some reason capitalizing 'H' changes the result to 200
select SOUNDEX('jescHke') J200 <-- 200
Any ideas why the values don't match?
So wiki states:
"two letters with the same number separated by 'h' or 'w' are coded as a single number"
So I think this applies when you are using a lowercase "h" hence the S is coded as a 2 and all the other characters would encode to 2 and are ignored as per:
If two or more letters with the same number are adjacent in the original name (before step 1), only retain the first letter
I suspect that because the H is capitalised it resets this rule so that the following k is then coded as another 2.