I have no idea if this is the dumbest way to do this, but you have to start at some point, and this seemed like one way to go.
Anyways, I have created a div
box. This box appears when a button is clicked, i.e. this click adds a class to the box. When the box appears it has two buttons - both which does something to the box.
Each button has these two functions:
States: Array<boolean> = new Array;
toggleState(firstIndex: number, secondIndex: number): void {
let totalIndex = this.getTotalIndex(firstIndex, secondIndex);
this.States[totalIndex] = !this.States[totalIndex];
getState(firstIndex: number, secondIndex: number): boolean {
let totalIndex = this.getTotalIndex (firstIndex, secondIndex);
return this.States[totalIndex];
This is just a way for me to get the state for each individual item/ID, where this box can appear. But again, I then have two other buttons with similar functions (only the name differs).
The buttons are then activated by:
<a (click)="toggleState1(firstIndex, secondIndex)">Button 1</a>
<a (click)="toggleState2(firstIndex, secondIndex)">Button 2</a>
<a (click)="toggleState3(firstIndex, secondIndex)">Button 3</a>
Now, the trouble I am having (which I can't get to work, and it also looks terrible tbh) is with the div
box HTML, which currently looks like:
<div [ngClass]="getState1(firstIndex, secondIndex) ? getState2(firstIndex, secondIndex) ? getState3(firstIndex, secondIndex) ?
'box-regular appear transparent' : // here the box has appeared, and is transparent
'box-regular' : // here the box has not yet appeared
'box-regular appear enlarge' : // here the box has appeared, and enlarged
'box-regular appear'" > // here the box has appeared
Now, when I run this, I can't seem to get all the buttons working. It's only two out of three that actually works. There is always one, no matter how I arrange it, that doesn't work.
So basically, what am I doing wrong here ? :)
As you always used box-regular then you can push it to the class property right away.
<div class="box-regular" [ngClass]="[ { 'appear transparent' : getState1(firstIndex, secondIndex)}, { 'appear enlarge': getState3(firstIndex, secondIndex)} ]
The syntax for multiple values in ngclass is [ngClass]= [ {}, {}]
where object {} contains class value and condition like this { 'classValue': condition },
If you need more than one class then use ternary operator but int this way:
[ngClass]=[ condition ? true : false, condition2 ? true: false, etc]