Search code examples

Issue about multiple grouping. How to get a single row from a group?

This is a table with my data:

|   date   |  value  |  id  |
|03/05/18  |5        | 1    |
|03/05/18  |3        | 2    |
|03/05/18  |5        | 3    |
|03/05/18  |6        | 4    |
|03/05/18  |9        | 5    |
|08/03/19  |5        | 6    |
|08/03/19  |3        | 7    |
|08/03/19  |1        | 8    |
|08/03/19  |6        | 9    |
|01/06/20  |7        | 10   |
|01/06/20  |0        | 11   |
|01/06/20  |2        | 12   |

I need to find the maximum value in each date and output it with corresponding id. Example:

|   date   |  value  |  id  |
|03/05/18  |9        | 5    |
|08/03/19  |6        | 9    |
|01/06/20  |7        | 10   |

Now I know how output the maximum value in each date but without corresponding id. Example:

|   date   |  value  |
|03/05/18  |9        |
|08/03/19  |6        |
|01/06/20  |7        |

Software I use is MS SQL Server 2012.

My code:

    GROUP BY date

I've tried the SQL Server function "FIRST_VALUE" but it didn't help.

ALSO I tried to create a comparing condition in a subquery and run into some problems with specifying variables (alias) outside and inside my subquery.

Any ideas, please?


  • You can filter with a subquery:

    select t.*
    from mytable t
    where t.value = (select max(t1.value) from mytable t1 where =

    This would allow top ties, if any. Another option is to use window functions:

    select *
    from (
        select t.*, rank() over(partition by date order by value desc) rn
        from mytable t
    ) t
    where rn = 1

    If you want to break ties, you can use row_number() instead of rank() - but to get a stable result, you would need a second column in the order by clause.