I'm looking for the opposite of the "Alt+F5" shortcut (Start a presentation from the current slide) as I have a very large presentation with many slides and want to be able to edit them quickly.
Currently, the "end show" action button I've set-upped (or the "ESC" shortcut) brings me back to my first slide.
I've managed to assign the following macro to a "stop" button, but this asks me to have as many lines as there are slides.
Sub ExitSlide3()
With Application.ActiveWindow
.ViewType = ppViewSlide
.View.GotoSlide 3
End With
End Sub
Using Insert>Action>Run macro, assign this to a shape, then copy the shape to each slide. The shape can be the same color as the background if you want it to be unobstrusive:
Sub ExitSlide()
End Sub