I have the below example XML and .NET types with what I think is the correct attributes on the types for the XMLSerializer
to use but I just get back empty values in my types. I've tried various attributes in different places but I just can't get the types populated.
type MyItem =
{ Id: string
At: string
Latitude: double
Longitude: double
RegNum: string }
[<XmlTypeAttribute(AnonymousType = true)>]
type MyRowset =
{ [<XmlArrayAttribute("ROW")>]
items: MyItem [] }
type Myresult =
{ [<XmlElementAttribute("ROWSET")>]
rowset: MyRowset }
[<XmlTypeAttribute(AnonymousType = true)>]
[<XmlRootAttribute(Namespace = "", IsNullable = false, ElementName = "RESPONSE")>]
type MyResponse =
{ [<XmlElementAttribute("RESULT")>]
result: Myresult }
// <ROW>
// </ROW>
// </ROWSET>
// </RESULT>
I have updated MyRowset type, now types look like:
type MyItem =
Id: string
At: string
Latitude: double
Longitude: double
RegNum: string }
[<XmlTypeAttribute(AnonymousType = true)>]
type MyRowset =
{ [<XmlElement("ROW")>]
items: MyItem array }
type Myresult =
{ [<XmlElementAttribute("ROWSET")>]
rowset: MyRowset }
[<XmlTypeAttribute(AnonymousType = true)>]
[<XmlRoot(Namespace = "", IsNullable = false, ElementName = "RESPONSE")>]
type MyResponse =
{ [<XmlElementAttribute("RESULT")>]
result: Myresult }
XML example
result:{ result = { rowset = { items = [|{ Id = "Id1"
At = "ATTT"
Latitude = 1.0
Longitude = 2.0
RegNum = "test" }|] } } }