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How to listen to Server Side events for Facebook live comments on IOS

I'm using the new SSE endpoints for Live comments on Live videos. my question is how can I achive this on IOS and what library should I use

I tried using the Event Source for IOS

But Even though I tried to use OnMessage and addOnEventsource it dosent seem to work.

Here is my code for listening to the live comments

    var live_commentURL =  URL.init(string:"\(fbLiveStreamId!)/live_comments?access_token=\(accessToken ?? "")&comment_rate=one_per_two_seconds&fields=from{name,id},message")

        let queryItems = [NSURLQueryItem(name: "access_token", value: accessToken!), NSURLQueryItem(name: "comment_rate", value: "one_hundred_per_second"),NSURLQueryItem(name: "fields", value: "from{name,id},message")]
        let urlComps = NSURLComponents(string: "\(fbLiveStreamId!)/live_comments")!
//        var headders:[String:String] = [:]
//        headders["access_token"] = accessToken!
//        headders["comment_rate"] = "one_hundred_per_second"
//        headders["fields"] = "from{name,id},message"

        var eventSource = EventSource.init(url:urlComps.url!)
        eventSource.onOpen {
            print("Successfully Connected to server")
        eventSource.addEventListener("user-connected") {(id, event, data) in
            print("id:", id)
            print("event:" , event)
            print("data: ", data)

        eventSource.onMessage { (id, event, data) in
            print("id:", id)
            print("event:" , event)
            print("data: ", data)
        eventSource.onComplete { (code, isErro, error) in

I have tried to send the access tokesn and other fields in headders too but got no luck with it.

I tried 2 methods

method 1 send accesstoken,comment_rateand fields as headders but I dont think that is the right way.

method 2

Since they are all query params I used NSURLComponents.


  • It was an issue with my auth tokens My bad