I have a personal website: https://www.${DOMAIN-NAME}.web.app (advertising my real site may annoy some people)
This web app is working fine on my devices. I sent this link to my friend and it's showing him "ERR CERT COMMON NAME INVALID" error page. He is on a very secure computer.
Here is a screenshot of the error page:
I found one solution to this along with a process to recreate this error page. I went on a new device that has never visited my web app. Then, I wrote http://www.${DOMAIN-NAME}.web.app ("http" here) and got this error page. Changing from "http" to "https" here doesn't help. However, I solved this by closing the tab, and writing https://www.${DOMAIN-NAME}.web.app on a new tab. This immediately establishes the green secure lock.
However, this didn't help my friend. Is there something that I don't know that's causing this issue? I'll await any helpful answers. Regards,
You cannot add a www.
in front of a Firebase Hosting .web.app
domain. That's why you're seeing invalid cert. Try just https://${DOMAIN-NAME}.web.app