I implemented my custom type in Elm:
type Bin = BEmpty | One Bin | Zero Bin
I want it to be showable when I use it in String
context similar to:
main =
Html.p (text bin)
if, for example, following is defined:
bin : Bin
bin = One (One (Zero BEmpty))
If I try to define instance of Show
as follows:
instance Show Bin
show bin = show (binToDec bin)
I get following error:
-- NAMING ERROR --------------------------------------------------- src/Main.elm
I cannot find a `Bin` variant:
19| instance Show Bin
These names seem close though:
Is there an equivalent of Haskell's instance Show Bin where
declaration in Elm?
No, Elm does not have this feature. You need to implement your own toString
binToString : Bin -> String
binToString bin =
binToDec bin
|> String.fromInt