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How do I query mongodb with aggregration by passing data as a parameter to filter unix time stamp

I'm querying through Metabase which is connected to a Mongodb server. The field which I'm querying is nested and is a Unix timestamp. See below

  room_data: {
      "meta": {
        "xxx_unrecognized": null,
        "xxx_sizecache": 0,
        "id": "Hke7owir4oejq3bMf",
        "createdat": 1565336450838,
        "updatedat": 1565336651548,

The query I have written is as follows

        $match: {
            client_id: "{{client_id}}",
            "room_data.meta.createdat": {
                $gt: "{{start}}",
                $lt: "{{end}}",

        $group: {

            id: "$",
            count: {
                $sum: 1

I do not get any result as the field room_data.meta.createdat is not a date (Aug 20, 2020) which I'm passing in. Here start and end are the parameters (Metabase feature) which I'm passing in the Date format. I need some help in converting those dates into unix timestamp which can then be used to filter out the results between the specific dates


  • If you're using Mongo version 4.0+ you can then use $toDate in you're aggregation like so:

        $match: {
          $expr: {
            $and: [
                $eq: [
                $lt: [
                    $toDate: "$room_data.meta.createdat"
                $gt: [
                    $toDate: "$room_data.meta.createdat"


    If you're you're on an older Mongo version I recommend you either convert you're database fields to be Date type, or you convert your input into a number timestamp somehow (I'm unfamiliar with metabase).

    The last option is to use $subtract as you can subtract a number from a date in Mongo, then check to see whether that date is before or after 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z. the problem with this approach is it does not consider timezones, so if your input's timezone is different than your database one or is dynamic this will be a problem you'll have to account for.

        $match: {
          $expr: {
            $and: [
                $eq: [
                $gt: [
                    "$subtract": [
                $lt: [
                    "$subtract": [
