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How do I get everyone working on the project to read from the same file path c#

I want to read cassandra scripts in a file. I give the file path but it points to another file. I want everyone working on the project to read from the file path.

I got this error:

System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException: 'Could not find a part of the path 'C:\yedek\14.8.20 updaterdan önce\New folder\cross\Updater\bin\Debug\netcoreapp3.0\ABC\CassandraScripts\LiveScripts'.'

but the path I want to access is:

C:\yedek\14.8.20 updaterdan önce\New folder\cross\ABC\CassandraScripts\LiveScripts\

  string[] fileList = File_Control("./ABC/CassandraScripts/LiveScripts/");
            for (int i = 0; i < fileList.Length; i++)
                char[] file_split = { '.', '/', '\\' };
                //dosya yolunu parse eder.
                string[] versionNameList = fileList[i].Split(file_split);
                //script dosya ismini alır.
                string versionName = versionNameList[versionNameList.Length - 1];
                //script dosya ismini parse eder.
                char[] char_split = { 'v', '.', '_'};
                string[] version = versionName.Split(char_split);
                string[] v = new string[3];

                   for (int j = 1; j < version.Length-2; j++)
                          v[j - 1] = version[j];

                string vers = string.Concat(v);

    public static string[] File_Control(string fileName)
            string[] fileTest = Directory.GetFiles(@fileName);
            return fileTest;


  • Resolved my problem:

    string[] fileList = Directory.GetFiles("../../../../XYZ/CassandraScripts/LiveScripts/");

            for (int i = 0; i < fileList.Length; i++)
                char[] file_split = { '/', '\\' };
                //dosya yolunu parse eder.
                string[] versionNameList = fileList[i].Split(file_split);
                //script dosya ismini alır.
                string versionName = versionNameList[versionNameList.Length - 1];
                //script dosya ismini parse eder.
                char[] char_split = { 'v', '.', '_'};
                string[] version = versionName.Split(char_split);
                string[] v = new string[3];
                   for (int j = 1; j < version.Length-2; j++)
                          v[j - 1] = version[j];
                string vers = string.Concat(v);