Following the documentation on Model Views, I constructed the following model in
class SoftwareProduct(Model):
suffix = Column(String(200), primary_key=True)
label = Column(String(200), nullable=False)
comment = Column(String)
coderepository = Column(String(200))
The table "softwareproduct" exists in the database and has several entries.
I assume that it automatically links the class "SoftwareProduct" to the table "softwareproduct", because I don't see any option to manually link it. If there is and that is missing, please tell me.
There is a view for it in
class SoftwareProductView(ModelView):
datamodel = SQLAInterface(SoftwareProduct)
label_columns = {'label':'Name', 'comment':'Comment'}
"Software Product",
icon = "fa-folder-open-o",
category = "Software Product",
category_icon = "fa-envelope"
However when I start the application, I get "No records found". How can I get F.A.B. to display the existing records?
I use Python 3.8.5 with Flask 1.1.2 with a PostgreSQL database.
I know that the database connection works because F.A.B. creates the user tables and I can login.
Flask-AppBuilder maps camelcase names like SoftwareProduct into underscore table names like software_product but the table name is softwareproduct. To fix the mapping, change the class name from "SoftwareProduct" to "Softwareproduct".