I'm trying add a space before a particular string (Token
for example) by replacing a regex with another: somethingToken
should become something Token
but something Token
should stay
something Token_
and not
something Token
(with 2 spaces)
I'm having trouble finding a regex that would match a non-space character and then the Token but without including the non-space character in the match (otherwise it would get replaced as well).
A (failed) attempt was to try to negate a \b
anchor (which should match the beginning of a word), but I don't know if I can negate an anchor.
Any help on this is appreciated.
I have just found the answer to this, perhaps it will be useful for someone else:
which represents a negated word boundary, so essentially matching wherever the standard word boundary (\b) does not match. For my example, it does indeed match somethingToken but not something Token which is left as is.