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Postgresql update JSONB object to array

I don't know why, but probably PHP persisted some of my data as object and some of them as array. My table looks something like:

seller_info_address Table:

 ID (INT)  |  address (JSONB)                                  |
     1      | {"addressLines":{"0":"Technology Park",...},...} |
     2      | {"addressLines":["Technology Park",...],...}     |

Some addressLines are objects:

  "addressLines": {
    "0": "Technology Park",
    "1": "Blanchard Road",
    "3": "Dublin",
    "4": "2"
  "companyName": "...",
  "emailAddress": [],
  "...": "..."

Some addressLines are arrays:

  "addressLines": [
    "Technology Park",
    "Blanchard Road",
  "companyName": "...",
  "emailAddress": [],
  "...": "..."

I would like to equalize the data with a SQL query, but I'm not sure how to do it. All addressLines persisted as object should be updated to array form.

I am grateful for help, thanks!


  • You can convert the objects to an array using this:

    select id, (select jsonb_agg(e.val order by e.key::int) 
                from jsonb_each(sia.address -> 'addressLines') as e(key,val))
    from seller_info_address sia
    where jsonb_typeof(address -> 'addressLines') = 'object'

    The where condition makes sure we only do this for addresslines that are not an array.

    The aggregation used can also be used inside an UPDATE statement:

    update seller_info_address
      set address = jsonb_set(address, '{addressLines}', 
                              (select jsonb_agg(e.val order by e.key::int) 
                               from jsonb_each(address -> 'addressLines') as e(key,val))
    where jsonb_typeof(address -> 'addressLines') = 'object';