I would like to submit my laravel form, with some errors if my csv is not set to the input file. So I did like this, simple, basic :
public function store(Request $request) {
$validator = Validator::make($request->all(), [
'csv' => 'required|mimes:csv',
return view(backpack_view('upload/upload-nb-postes'))->withErrors($validator);
The validator fails, of course, so it should render my view with error messages but I have an error :
Call to undefined method Illuminate\Support\MessageBag::getBag()
I checked the MessageBag class and ... yes, there is no getBag()
So what should I do ? I can't use the withErrors()
I tried with :
return view(backpack_view('upload/upload-nb-postes'))->withErrors(['csv' = > 'test');
Same problem, I also checked that there is some error messages.
Maybe update with composer ? I won't crash my project.
More information :
Laravel version : 6.17.1
Laravel locale : fr
Laravel config cached : false
PHP version : 7.4.3
You have to call errors
method of $validator instance.
return view(backpack_view('upload/upload-nb-postes'))->withErrors($validator->errors());
Inside your view, use $errors->first('csv') to access error message.