Is there a way to bind a properties to multiple properties of another object using the SwingBuilder? For example, I want to bind a button's enabled property to two text fields - the button is only enabled when both text fields are non empty.
You can do this sort of thing:
import groovy.beans.Bindable
import groovy.swing.SwingBuilder
import javax.swing.WindowConstants as WC
class CombinedModel {
@Bindable String text1
@Bindable String text2
def model = new CombinedModel() {
frame(title:'Multiple Bind Test', pack:true, visible: true, defaultCloseOperation:WC.EXIT_ON_CLOSE ) {
gridLayout(cols: 2, rows: 0)
label 'Input text 1: '
textField( columns:10, id:'fielda' )
label 'Input text 2: '
textField( columns:10, id:'fieldb' )
// Bind our two textFields to our model
bean( model, text1: bind{ fielda.text } )
bean( model, text2: bind{ fieldb.text } )
label 'Button: '
button( text:'Button', enabled: bind { model.text1 && model.text2 } )
As you can see, that binds two textfields to fields in our model, then binds enabled
for the button to be true if both text1
and text2
are non-empty