I have the following table, In the present table we have data inserted manually like shown below but now I want to insert latest cola
values into table.
create table tbTest
cola bigserial not null primary key,
colb varchar(10)
insert into tbTest(cola,colb) values(1,'A');
insert into tbTest(cola,colb) values(2,'B');
insert into tbTest(cola,colb) values(3,'C');
insert into tbTest(cola,colb) values(4,'D');
insert into tbTest(cola,colb) values(5,'E');
insert into tbTest(cola,colb) values(6,'F');
Now I want insert only column colb
values and let serial column calculate next value by self:
Try 1:
insert into tbTest(colb) values('G')
Error: SQL Error [23505]: ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "tbtest_pkey" Detail: Key (cola)=(1) already exists.
Try 2:
insert into tbTest(cola,colb) values(nextval('tbtest_cola_seq'),'G')
Error: SQL Error [23505]: ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "tbtest_pkey" Detail: Key (cola)=(2) already exists.
Try 3:
insert into tbTest(cola,colb) values(currval('tbtest_cola_seq')+1,'G');
Error: SQL Error [23505]: ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "tbtest_pkey" Detail: Key (cola)=(3) already exists.
You have to adjust the sequence to start at a value greater than the maximum existing value.
SELECT max(cola) FROM tbtest;
to get the maximum.
Then reset the sequence:
SELECT setval('tbtest_cola_seq', 42);
where 42 is bigger than the value returned by the first query.