I'm trying to create a page view controller that once you reach the last screen (right swiping) it starts over at the first, and if you scroll backward, once it hits the first screen (left swiping) it will scroll to the last.
I looked at this post: scroll in circles
but it's still stopping at the first and last screens when scrolling. Here is how my dataSource is set up:
var viewControllerList: [UIViewController]!
func pageViewController(_ pageViewController: UIPageViewController, viewControllerBefore viewController: UIViewController) -> UIViewController? {
guard let vcIndex = viewControllerList.firstIndex(of: viewController) else {return nil}
let previousIndex = vcIndex - 1
guard previousIndex >= 0 else {return viewControllerList.last}
guard viewControllerList.count > previousIndex else { return nil}
return viewControllerList[previousIndex]
func pageViewController(_ pageViewController: UIPageViewController, viewControllerAfter viewController: UIViewController) -> UIViewController? {
guard let vcIndex = viewControllerList.firstIndex(of: viewController) else {return nil}
let nextIndex = vcIndex + 1
guard viewControllerList.count != nextIndex else {return nil}
guard viewControllerList.count > nextIndex else
return viewControllerList.first}
return viewControllerList[nextIndex]
Any help is appreciated!!
It's because of the lines where you return nil
. As long as you do that, it means "it is impossible to go any further in this direction". But I believe your requirement is that it is always possible to go further in either direction. 😀