I am working on a 2D collider system that breaks up shapes into one possible primitive: impenetrable segments that are defined by two points. To provide collision detection for this system, I am using a static collision detection approach that calculates the distance between the edge of one segment and the currently handled segment (point/line distance) once every frame. If the distance is too small, a collision is triggered during that frame. This works fine but has the known problem of tunneling if one or more bodies exhibit high speeds. So I am tinkering with alternatives.
Now I want to introduce continuous collision detection (CCD) that operates on dynamic points / dynamic segments. My problem is: I don't exactly know how. I do know how to do continuous collision between two moving points, a moving point and a static segment but not how to do CCD between a moving point (defined by point P) and a moving segment (defined by points U and V, both can move completely freely).
I have seen similar questions beeing asked on SO and other platforms, but not with these exact requirements:
So far I came up with the following approach, given:
Question: Will they collide? If yes, when and where?
To answer the question of "if", I found this paper to be useful: https://www.cs.ubc.ca/~rbridson/docs/brochu-siggraph2012-ccd.pdf (section 3.1) but I could not derive the answers to "when" and "where". I also found an alternative explanation of the problem here: http://15462.courses.cs.cmu.edu/fall2018/article/13 (3rd Question)
Model temporal trajectory of each point during a frame as linear movement (line trajectory for 0 <= t <= 1)
(0 <= a <= 1 represents a location on the segment defined by U and V):
Model collision by equating point and segment equations:
Derive a function for the vector from point P to a point on the segment (see picture of F):
To now find a collision, one needs to find a and t, so that F(a, t) = (0, 0) and a,t in [0, 1]. This can be modeled as a root finding problem with 2 variables.
Insert the temporal trajectory equations into F(a, t):
Separate the temporal trajectory equations by dimension (x and y):
Fx(a, t) = (sP.x * (1 - t) + eP.x * t) - (1 - a) * (sU.x * (1 - t) + eU.x * t) - a * (sV.x * (1 - t) + eV.x * t)
Fy(a, t) = (sP.y * (1 - t) + eP.y * t) - (1 - a) * (sU.y * (1 - t) + eU.y * t) - a * (sV.y * (1 - t) + eV.y * t)
Now we have two equations and two variables that we want to solve for (Fx, Fy and a, t respectively), so we should be able to use a solver to get a and t to only then check if they lie within [0, 1].. right?
When I plug this into Python sympy to solve:
from sympy import symbols, Eq, solve, nsolve
def main():
sxP = symbols("sxP")
syP = symbols("syP")
exP = symbols("exP")
eyP = symbols("eyP")
sxU = symbols("sxU")
syU = symbols("syU")
exU = symbols("exU")
eyU = symbols("eyU")
sxV = symbols("sxV")
syV = symbols("syV")
exV = symbols("exV")
eyV = symbols("eyV")
a = symbols("a")
t = symbols("t")
eq1 = Eq((sxP * (1 - t) + exP * t) - (1 - a) * (sxU * (1 - t) + exU * t) - a * (sxV * (1 - t) + exV * t))
eq2 = Eq((syP * (1 - t) + eyP * t) - (1 - a) * (syU * (1 - t) + eyU * t) - a * (syV * (1 - t) + eyV * t))
sol = solve((eq1, eq2), (a, t), dict=True)
if __name__ == "__main__":
I get a solution that is HUGE in size and it takes sympy like 5 minutes to evaluate. I cannot be using such a big expression in my actual engine code and this solutions just does not seem right to me.
What I want to know is: Am I missing something here? I think this problem seems rather easy to understand but I cannot figure out a mathematically accurate way to find a time (t) and point (a) of impact solution for dynamic points / dynamic segments. Any help is greatly appreciated, even if someone tells me that this is not possible to do like that.
I did read "...like 5 minutes to evaluate..."
No way too long, this is a real-time solution for many lines and points.
Sorry this is not a complete answer (I did not rationalize and simplify the equation) that will find the point of intercept, that I leave to you.
Also I can see several approaches to the solution as it revolves around a triangle (see image) that when flat is the solution. The approach bellow finds the point in time when the long side of the triangle is equal to the sum of the shorter two.
This can be done as a simple quadratic with the coefficients derived from the 3 starting points, the vector over unit time of each point. Solving for u
The image below give more details.
There is (may) a point in time u where A is on the line B,C. At this point in time the length of the lines AB (as a) and AC (as c) sum to equal the length of line BC (as b) (orange line).
That means that when b - (a + c) == 0 the point is on the line. In the image the points are squared as this simplifies it a little. b2 - (a2 + c2) == 0
At the bottom of image is the equation (quadratic) in terms of u, P, L1, L2, V1, V2, V3.
That equation needs to be rearranged such that you get (???)u2 + (???)u + (???) = 0
Sorry doing that manually is very tedious and very prone to mistakes. I don`t have the tools at hand to do that nor do I use python so the math lib you are using is unknown to me. However it should be able to help you find how to calculate the coefficients for (???)u2 + (???)u + (???) = 0
Ignore most of the above as I made a mistake. b - (a + c) == 0 is not the same as b2 - (a2 + c2) == 0. The first one is the one needed and that is a problem when dealing with radicals (Note that there could still be a solution using a + bi == sqrt(a^2 + b^2)
where i
is the imaginary number).
So I explored the other options.
The simplest has a slight flaw. It will return the time of intercept. However that must be validated as it will also return the time for intercepts when it intercepts the line, rather than the line segment BC
Thus when a result is found you then test it by dividing the dot product of the found point and line segment with the square of the line segments length. See function isPointOnLine
in test snippet.
To solve I use the fact that the cross product of the line BC and the vector from B to A will be 0 when the point is on the line.
Using the image above I renamed the variables so that it is easier for me to do all the fiddly bits.
point P is {a,b}
point L1 is {c,d}
point L2 is {e,f}
vector V1 is {g,h}
vector V2 is {i,j}
vector V3 is {k,l}
Thus for points A,B,C over time u */
Ax = (a+g*u)
Ay = (b+h*u)
Bx = (c+i*u)
By = (d+j*u)
Cx = (e+k*u)
Cy = (f+l*u)
/* Vectors BA and BC at u */
Vbax = ((a+g*u)-(c+i*u))
Vbay = ((b+h*u)-(d+j*u))
Vbcx = ((e+k*u)-(c+i*u))
Vbcy = ((f+l*u)-(d+j*u))
thus Vbax * Vbcy - Vbay * Vbcx == 0 at intercept
This gives the quadratic
0 = ((a+g*u)-(c+i*u)) * ((f+l*u)-(d+j*u)) - ((b+h*u)-(d+j*u)) * ((e+k*u)-(c+i*u))
Rearranging we get
0 = -((i*l)-(h*k)+g*l+i*h+(i+k)*j-(g+i)*j)*u* u -(d*g-c*l-k*b-h*e+l*a+g*f+i*b+c*h+(i+k)*d+(c+e)*j-((f+d)*i)-((a+c)*j))*u +(c+e)*d-((a+c)*d)+a*f-(c*f)-(b*e)+c*b
The coefficients are thus
A = -((i*l)-(h*k)+g*l+i*h+(i+k)*j-(g+i)*j)
B = -(d*g-c*l-k*b-h*e+l*a+g*f+i*b+c*h+(i+k)*d+(c+e)*j-((f+d)*i)-((a+c)*j))
C = (c+e)*d-((a+c)*d)+a*f-(c*f)-(b*e)+c*b
We can solve using the quadratic formula (see image top right).
Note that there could be two solutions. In the example I ignored the second solution. However as the first may not be on the line segment you need to keep the second solution if within the range 0 <= u <= 1 just in case the first fails. You also need to validate that result.
To avoid errors I had to test the solution
Below is a snippet that generates a random random pair of lines and then generate random lines until an intercept is found.
The functions of interest are
which return the unit time of first intercept if any.isPointOnLine
to validate the result.const ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
const W = 256, H = W, D = (W ** 2 * 2) ** 0.5;
canvas.width = W; canvas.height = H;
const rand = (m, M) => Math.random() * (M - m) + m;
const Tests = 300;
var line1, line2, path, count = 0;
setTimeout(test, 0);
// creating P point L line
const P = (x,y) => ({x,y,get arr() {return [this.x, this.y]}});
const L = (l1, l2) => ({l1,l2,vec: P(l2.x - l1.x, l2.y - l1.y), get arr() {return [this.l1, this.l2]}});
const randLine = () => L(P(rand(0, W), rand(0, H)), P(rand(0, W), rand(0, H)));
const isPointOnLine = (p, l) => {
const x = p.x - l.l1.x;
const y = p.y - l.l1.y;
const u = (l.vec.x * x + l.vec.y * y) / (l.vec.x * l.vec.x + l.vec.y * l.vec.y);
return u >= 0 && u <= 1;
// See answer illustration for names
// arguments in order Px,Py,L1x,l1y,l2x,l2y,V1x,V1y,V2x,V2y,V3x,V3y
function movingLineVPoint(a,b, c,d, e,f, g,h, i,j, k,l) {
var A = -(i*l)-(h*k)+g*l+i*h+(i+k)*j-(g+i)*j;
var B = -d*g-c*l-k*b-h*e+l*a+g*f+i*b+c*h+(i+k)*d+(c+e)*j-((f+d)*i)-((a+c)*j)
var C = +(c+e)*d-((a+c)*d)+a*f-(c*f)-(b*e)+c*b
// Find roots if any. Could be up to 2
// Using the smallest root >= 0 and <= 1
var u, D, u1, u2;
// if A is tiny we can ignore
if (Math.abs(A) < 1e-6) {
if (B !== 0) {
u = -C / B;
if (u < 0 || u > 1) { return } // !!!! no solution !!!!
} else { return } // !!!! no solution !!!!
} else {
B /= A;
D = B * B - 4 * (C / A);
if (D > 0) {
D **= 0.5;
u1 = 0.5 * (-B + D);
u2 = 0.5 * (-B - D);
if ((u1 < 0 || u1 > 1) && (u2 < 0 || u2 > 1)) { return } // !!!! no solution !!!!
if (u1 < 0 || u1 > 1) { u = u2 } // is first out of range
else if (u2 < 0 || u2 > 1) { u = u1 } // is second out of range
else if (u1 < u2) { u = u1 } // first is smallest
else { u = u2 }
} else if (D === 0) {
u = 0.5 * -B;
if (u < 0 || u > 1) { return } // !!!! no solution !!!!
} else { return } // !!!! no solution !!!!
return u;
function test() {
if (count> 0) { return }
line1 = randLine();
line2 = randLine();
count = Tests
function subTest() {
path = randLine()
const u = movingLineVPoint(
path.l1.x, path.l1.y,
line1.l1.x, line1.l1.y,
line2.l1.x, line2.l1.y,
path.vec.x, path.vec.y,
line1.vec.x, line1.vec.y,
line2.vec.x, line2.vec.y
if (u !== undefined) { // intercept found maybe
pointAt = P(path.l1.x + path.vec.x * u, path.l1.y + path.vec.y * u);
lineAt = L(
P(line1.l1.x + line1.vec.x * u, line1.l1.y + line1.vec.y * u),
P(line2.l1.x + line2.vec.x * u, line2.l1.y + line2.vec.y * u)
const isOn = isPointOnLine(pointAt, lineAt);
if (isOn) {
drawResult(pointAt, lineAt);
count = 0;
info.textContent = "Found at: u= " + u.toFixed(4) + ". Click for another";
setTimeout((--count < 0 ? test : subTest), 18);
function drawLine(line, col = "#000", lw = 1) {
ctx.lineWidth = lw;
ctx.strokeStyle = col;
function markPoint(p, size = 3, col = "#000", lw = 1) {
ctx.lineWidth = lw;
ctx.strokeStyle = col;
ctx.arc(...p.arr, size, 0, Math.PI * 2);
function drawLines() {
drawLine(path, "#0B0", 1);
markPoint(path.l1, 2, "#0B0", 2);
function drawResult(pointAt, lineAt) {
markPoint(lineAt.l1, 2, "red", 1.5);
markPoint(lineAt.l2, 2, "red", 1.5);
markPoint(pointAt, 2, "blue", 3);
drawLine(lineAt, "#BA0", 2);
div {position: absolute; top: 10px; left: 12px}
canvas {border: 2px solid black}
<canvas id="canvas" width="1024" height="1024"></canvas>
<div><span id="info">Click to start</span></div>