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Gatsby slug next/previous issues after adding `/blog${node.fields.slug}` to createPage

I am experiencing something strange and I have tried many work-arounds with no prevail.

I am trying to append "blog" to my templates' urls like so..

      path: /blog${node.fields.slug}, // this line
      component: blogPost,
      context: {
        slug: post.node.fields.slug,

Which works fine. So I used the same approach to account for the next/previous Links.

<Link to={blog${next.fields.slug}} rel="prev"> (next example)

But when I go to an article e.g. blog/category/hello-category and try to click on a next or previous article e.g. /blog/category/hello-category2, the path is appending the current path and the next path - like so.


Can anyone help?

Thanks in advance.


  • The missing leading slash was causing this issue.

    <Link to={/blog${next.fields.slug}} rel="prev">

    "Without the slash in the beginning it assumes links are relative to the root. It behaves same as normal HTML links in this regard. "