I have a code working good, but i am trying to do an enhancement
in the above, i am trying if the deleted item in list is IN
, it should also delete the other item starting with I
The code is looping for the list elements and doing a match to detect and delete the element
i = 'AS,AK,SK,SB,IN,IP';
Y = 'IN';
local.X = [];
listEach(I, function(value, index) {
if (!listFindNoCase(Y, value)) {
arrayAppend(X, value);
You can do that by checking before if the list contains your element using listFindNoCase
, then using listFilter
to filter the items you do not want in your new list, something like this:
originalList = 'AS,AK,SK,SB,IN,IP';
needle = 'IN,AS';
newList = originalList;
listEach(needle, function(needle) {
if (listFindNoCase(newList, needle)) {
newList = listFilter(newList, function(value) {
return lcase(left(value, 1)) != lcase(left(needle, 1));