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How to set a lower bound for Int field in marshmallow

Is it possible to set a lower / upper bound for a filds.Int in marshmallow?

What I want to do is

from marshmallow import Schema, fields

class User(Schema):
    age = fields.Int()

u = User()
data = u.load({'age': -1})

>>> data
{'age': 0}

In the case, I want to set 0 as a lower-bound value for age.


  • It does not seem like you can set a bound that will alter your input value upon deserialization using Marshmallow's api; and it might be for good reason: it would be very confusing to see something like data = u.load({'age': -1}) and getting {'age': 0} back.

    What you can do is pass a function to fields.Int's validate parameter that would allow you to catch values you don't want. Example usage:

    class User(Schema):
        age = fields.Int(validate=lambda x: x > 0)  # don't let anything <0 in
    u = User()
    data = u.load({'age': -1}


    marshmallow.exceptions.ValidationError: {'age': ['Invalid value.']}

    With this information in mind, you can handle this exception as you please, e.g.:

        data = u.load({'age': -1})
    except marshmallow.exceptions.ValidationError:
        data = u.load({'age': 0})

    If you feel that you must create some bounds for your fields.Int usage, then you can extend fields.Int in the following manner:

    import typing 
    from marshmallow import fields, Schema
    _T = typing.TypeVar("_T")
    class BoundedInt(fields.Int):
        def __init__(self, *a, bounds, **kw):
            self._bounds: typing.Tuple[int] = bounds  # bounds=(0, 10)
            super().__init__(*a, **kw)
        def _validated(self, value) -> typing.Optional[_T]:
            if value < self._bounds[0]:
                value = self._bounds[0]
            elif value > self._bounds[1]:
                value = self._bounds[1]
            return super()._validated(value)
    class User(Schema):
        age = BoundedInt(bounds=(0, 10))


    >>> u = User()
    >>> data = u.load({'age': -1})
    >>> data
    {'age': 0}