I need to find shapes that have many branches.. But with only the region_features i'm not able to make this work.
basically, I'd need a score for a "branch factor".. for example, a star would have a rather high score, since each tip would be a branch.. a picture of a tree-branch would have a high score, since it has many smaller branches.. A sphere, or a cube would have a low score since it does not have many branches..
I have tried with the proportion between area and circumference, but its not precise enough..
here are 2 samples.. one that hsould have a high score, and one that should have a low score:
These are only samples to explain what I mean by branches.. the shapes can have any form..
No, there is not this kind of parameter.
Maybe you can extract this parameter with a code like:
* load image example
* create 4 Regions
binary_threshold (Image, Region, 'max_separability', 'dark', UsedThreshold)
connection (Region, Regions)
count_obj (Regions,NumRegions)
NumBranches :=[]
* for every region in Regions
for i:=1 to NumRegions by 1
* select the region
select_obj (Regions, RegionSelected, i)
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Here I want to calculate the region convex hull,
* i.e. the smallest region convex region that contains the selected region
* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Convex_hull
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
* convex hull of a region as polygon
get_region_convex (RegionSelected, Rows, Columns)
* trasform the polygon in a region
gen_region_polygon_filled (ConvexRegion, Rows, Columns)
* For avoiding to merge separeted parts, I erode a little the convex region
erosion_circle (ConvexRegion, RegionErosion, 1.5)
* Now I remove the selected region from its convex (erosed) region.
* In most of the case the results is the space between the branches
difference (RegionErosion, RegionSelected, RegionDifference)
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
* I separate the space between the branches and I count the its number
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
* connection
connection (RegionDifference, InsideRegions)
* I remove empy regions
select_shape (InsideRegions, InsideSelectedRegions, 'area', 'and', 1, 99999999)
* I count the regions
count_obj (InsideSelectedRegions,NumInsideRegions)
* I add the result to the array
NumBranches :=[NumBranches,NumInsideRegions]