I've got a folder full of Google Drawings. I've got the filenames of the Google Drawings in a Google spreadsheet. I can extract the filenames from the Google spreadsheet, iterate through the filenames, find all the Google drawings and ... this is where I get stuck. I'd like to convert the drawings into PNG files and store the PNG files in a separate drive folder.
This is the script I have so far ...
function load_list_of_images() {
var course_workbook_name = "SPREADSHEET"; // Title of spreadsheet to download files
var course_workbooks = DriveApp.getFilesByName(course_workbook_name); // There may be more than one!
var course_workbook_id = course_workbooks.next();
Logger.log("Spreadsheet ID : " + course_workbook_id);
} catch(error) {
Logger.log("Spreadsheet doesn't exist");
var course_workbook = SpreadsheetApp.open(course_workbook_id);
var image_list_sheet = course_workbook.getSheetByName("image_list");
// Get list of image names (without extensions)
var list_of_images = [];
var images = image_list_sheet.getRange(1,1,1000).getValues();
for (var row in images) {
for (var col in images[row]) {
if (images[row][col] == "") {
function download_images() {
var list = load_list_of_images();
if (list == null){
for (var row in list){
var image_name = list[row];
var image_exists = DriveApp.getFilesByName(image_name);
// There may be more than one
if (image_exists.hasNext()) {
var image = image_exists.next()
var gDraw_file = DriveApp.getFileById(image.getId());
When I run this, all the Google drawings are converted to PDF files and stored in my drive folder.
However, converting from drawings
to png
is not possible directly, you need to perform the following steps:
var id = image.getId();
var exportUrl = "https://www.googleapis.com/drive/v3/files/" + id + "/export?mimeType=image/png";
var urlFetchOptions = {
headers: {Authorization : "Bearer " + ScriptApp.getOAuthToken()}
var blob= UrlFetchApp.fetch(exportUrl, urlFetchOptions).getBlob();