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Create a png file from a Google Drawing using App Script

I've got a folder full of Google Drawings. I've got the filenames of the Google Drawings in a Google spreadsheet. I can extract the filenames from the Google spreadsheet, iterate through the filenames, find all the Google drawings and ... this is where I get stuck. I'd like to convert the drawings into PNG files and store the PNG files in a separate drive folder.

This is the script I have so far ...

function load_list_of_images() {
  var course_workbook_name = "SPREADSHEET"; // Title of spreadsheet to download files
  var course_workbooks = DriveApp.getFilesByName(course_workbook_name); // There may be more than one!
    var course_workbook_id =;
    Logger.log("Spreadsheet ID : " + course_workbook_id);    
  } catch(error) {
    Logger.log("Spreadsheet doesn't exist");
  var course_workbook =;
  var image_list_sheet = course_workbook.getSheetByName("image_list");
  // Get list of image names (without extensions)
  var list_of_images = [];
  var images = image_list_sheet.getRange(1,1,1000).getValues();
  for (var row in images) {
    for (var col in images[row]) {
      if (images[row][col] == "") {

function download_images() {
  var list = load_list_of_images();
  if (list == null){
  for (var row in list){
    var image_name = list[row];
    var image_exists = DriveApp.getFilesByName(image_name);
    // There may be more than one
    if (image_exists.hasNext()) {
      var image =
      var gDraw_file = DriveApp.getFileById(image.getId());

When I run this, all the Google drawings are converted to PDF files and stored in my drive folder.


  • You need to specify to which mimeType you want to convert the drawing

    However, converting from drawings to png is not possible directly, you need to perform the following steps:

    • Create an export link for exporting the file as image/png
    • Fetch this link with the UrlFetchApp
    • Create a file from the blob of the result


      var id = image.getId(); 
      var exportUrl = "" + id + "/export?mimeType=image/png";
      var urlFetchOptions = {
        headers: {Authorization : "Bearer " + ScriptApp.getOAuthToken()}
      var blob= UrlFetchApp.fetch(exportUrl, urlFetchOptions).getBlob();