With jackson there is a way to ignore some fields using @JsonIgnore
. Is there a way to do the opposite, and only show fields with are annotated? I'm working with an external class with a lot of fields and I only want to select a small subset of them. I'm getting tons of recursion problems (using some type of ORM) where object A -> B -> A -> B -> A .... which are not even necessary to export.
You can configure the object mapper to ignore absolutely everything unless specified by JsonProperty
public class JacksonConfig {
public static ObjectMapper getObjectMapper(){
//The marshaller
ObjectMapper marshaller = new ObjectMapper();
//Make it ignore all fields unless we specify them
new VisibilityChecker.Std(
//Allow empty objects
marshaller.configure( SerializationFeature.FAIL_ON_EMPTY_BEANS, false );
return marshaller;
public class MyObject {
private int id;
private String name;
private Date date;
//Getters Setters omitted
in this case only name
would be serialized.
Sample repo, https://github.com/DarrenForsythe/jackson-ignore-everything