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Create parent entity then create children entities with parent ID

In my code, a Hero has many Power. To create a Power object, I need a heroId. In this case, I'm trying to create a hero and then give the hero multiple powers.

Thus, the HeroDao:

public interface HeroDao {
    Single<Long> create(Hero hero);

And the PowerDao:

public interface PowerDao {
    Completable create(Power power);


Completable createHero(List<Power> powers) {
    return heroDao.create(new Hero())
            .flatMapCompletable(heroId -> Observable.fromIterable(powers)
                    .flatMapCompletable(power -> {
                        power.heroId = heroId;
                        return powerDao.create(power);

But that instead throws an exception:

io.reactivex.exceptions.UndeliverableException: The exception could not be delivered to the consumer because it has already canceled/disposed the flow or the exception has nowhere to go to begin with.

That exception also provides a link that explains more about that particular error but the details aren't making sense to me since I'm a beginner with limited experience using RxJava.

What's going on?

UPDATE: In my ViewModel, the subscription looks like this:

        .subscribe(this::success, this::error);


  • Update your createHero() to log errors:

    Completable createHero(List<Power> powers) {
        return heroDao.create(new Hero())
                // add explicit error log
                .doOnError(e -> Log.e("ERROR", "insert hero error", e))
                .flatMapCompletable(heroId -> Observable.fromIterable(powers)
                        .flatMapCompletable(power -> {
                            return create(power)
                                    .doOnError(e -> Log.e("ERROR", "insert power error", e))

    You should now see what error is really thrown.