I am working on an Angular 8 project using @angular/mdc-web as a wrapper for Material Design. Today I had to fix a bug revolving around an error dialog. The dialog presents an error message and can be closed by clicking an OK button. Pretty straight forward and everything worked as a charm until I got an issue defect reported by the QA guys the day after I implemented it. Apparently, some UI elements (buttons) stopped working after the dialog was closed.
In order to examine the bug, I subscribed to the Observable that was returned by the app's central openDialog function, and suddenly the bug didn't occur anymore. Here is the relevant code of the openDialog function:
const dialogRef: MdcDialogRef<T> = this.dialog.open(
// irrelevant stuff ommitted
return dialogRef.afterClosed().pipe(
() =>
(this.dialogRefArray = this.dialogRefArray.filter(
item => item.id !== data.id
tap(() => this.navigationBlocker.unregister(data.id)),
Now, I am rather new to Rxjs, and my question is: Why is afterClosed only called when I have subscribed to it? Like this:
const dialog = this.dialogService.openDialog(
// irrelevant stuff ommitted
).subscribe(() => {
I don't even need to unsubscribe to make it work. I'm trying to understand how Observables work. I would have suspected that afterClosed is being called when ever the dialog is closed, similar to an event. Why do I have to subscribe to it?
An explanation is greatly appreciated, cheers.
The explanation is really simple. An observable only emit when you subscribe to it.
Also, even if you don't need to unsubscribe to make it works, it's a good pratice to unsubscribe in order to avoid memory leaks (if it still emit, you will still execute the subscribe callback).